A phone hybrid human habits the trains of the world. It leaves its aware of the surroundings behind and its body re arranges itself in total aligment for the proper use of its tool, Phone.
Phone stops being a tool to became an extra organ, a non possible to live without element in the life of these creature.
Creature who is not able any more to look up, its spine shifted into perfect position for complete unisone with its new and vital organ.
Interaction between creatures is only through out Phone organ.
Phone, is not only an organ, it creates happines, worlds were creature can be whatever it wants and needs to be.
I love you deeply, Phone.
The internet both disintegrated and rejoined the structures of daily life.
The borders of the world gave in to shapelessness.
The old world began to loosen its structure and a new world covered it like a second skin.
A network, a set of nodes that are equal.
A simple fact of life.
A new beginning.
A public space.
A secret pocket world.

Metahaven, Black Transparency, the right to know in the age of mass surveilance